Twinkie Wiener Sandwiches

Savor the Flavor

If you've ever seen the movie UHF (and if not, you should), then you'll remember the scene where the lead characters make "Twinkie wiener sandwiches": hot dogs, placed inside a sliced-open Twinkie, and covered with spray cheese.

On October 20, 2001, while at a party at the home of my lovely friends Kevin and Peg, I took a can of Eazy Cheeze and began spraying people's initials onto Triscuits, then handing the cracker to the person in question. (An evil trick I got from Chris Reichert; the victim is pretty much compelled to eat the cracker.)

Dan Sheldon, seeing me with the can, cried out "We should make Twinkie wiener sandwiches!"

I laughed. I thought Dan was kidding.

He was not.

For you see, he returned about two minutes later, having confirmed with our hosts that there were hot dogs in their freezer.

His excited momentum was infectious. We ran to CVS, grabbed all the Twinkies they had (six), and returned.

My first bite.
I am not grimacing because Dan is making as if to kiss me; I am grimacing because the taste has just set in.
Interlocking our hands. How romantic.
It's just that tasty.
Sadly, the cake "bun" dissolved from the heat of the dog.
April, a wise woman indeed, had the right idea.
As did Jeff Foley.
Dave Korka...
...and Owen Ozier dove into theirs with a zeal I still find unsettling.
"Hey, Sarah..."
"...try this."
She does.
Really, this single image says more than anything else on this page.
Bob is a good sport, and clearly into the whole camp value of the thing, but let me assure you that Sarah's reaction is much more appropriate.
Michelle finishes off the last sandwich. Thank God.